smokesordie May 17, 2009 13:46
c: codename, pink sticky mess, c: zombie, c: steel, event: revolving reveries, !ic, c: cecdan, this is the perfect time to panic, c: jing, c: ghost, wilderness: marshmallow land, c: hybrid, c: click, c: bastet, c: nothlit
smokesordie May 13, 2009 20:52
c: crow, c: prongs, c: raise, c: kazahana, c: cecdan, c: ghost, c: bastet, c: rocket, it's a boy!, c: lucy, c: kanin, it's always amusing at zombie's expense, i c wut u did thar, c: zombie, need smokes, !ic, c: npc!charger, this question is really a demand